When one registrant transfers their domain name to another eligible entity, this is referred to as a 'registrant transfer.' Once the transfer is complete, the new registrant will be issued a new licence, and the domain name will be registered to their name with their contact information.
To transfer a .au domain licence to another registrant:
A name that has expired, been cancelled, or deleted cannot be transferred.
The person to whom the name is being transferred must be eligible to hold the name. They'll need to enter into a new licence agreement with the registrar, and select a licence period.
If you are the current registrant, you should complete the first section only (Declaration by Current Registrant of Domain Name). If you are the proposed registrant, you should complete the second section only (Declaration by Proposed New Registrant of Domain Name).
(current registrant to complete this section only)
(proposed new registrant to complete this section only)